Edmonds Chamber of Commerce

Build connections within the existing Edmonds business community!



121 5th Ave N, Edmonds, WA 98020


47.81141815, -122.377037419




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Whether you’re a start-up or a long-standing business, membership in the Edmonds Chamber of Commerce brings you a wide range of benefits: from business-to-business relationships, sponsorships, networking, workshops and trainings.

A little about us:

It is hard to believe that the Edmonds Chamber is celebrating our 113th anniversary this year.  For an organization as old as we are, there is a risk of becoming irrelevant and out-of-date but that isn’t the case. We pride ourselves in honoring the past, while at the same time changing with the region and the times.  In many ways the landscape of ‘how you do business’ has changed drastically and in other ways it still remains the same as it was in 1907.  For us it is about the people and community…

“There is no other place like Edmonds and there are no other people like the people of Edmonds.” 

Our Chamber will remain a vital and important part of keeping the future of Edmonds a bright one.

The Board of Directors and dedicated Chamber staff are staying out in front of local and regional issues; our seat at the table allows us to keep watch and influence important decisions affecting the future of our community.  The collective voice of our business owners, members and volunteers ensure the path ahead is one we can be proud to support.

As an independent non-profit we strengthen Edmonds through connecting businesses, government, education and residents to vital information and to one another.  We are proud to bring people from all walks of life together in celebration, which builds community and friendships.

In order to ensure we continue these great programs and grow our business community, we need the support of our members as event sponsors. Share what the Chamber does for our community; encourage neighbors and the businesses you frequent to show their support through membership in the Edmonds Chamber of Commerce.

—Greg Urban
President & CEO


Click these links for more information or to become a member.